MaryAnna Nardone

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AUGUST THE 8TH MONTH is approaching the midway mark. I hope this message finds everyone safe and well during these challenging times.

I wanted to take this time to send some positive vibes and rituals I use to assist me everyday. As we begin appproaching September, new guidelines are being placed, it is vital to stay grounded.

Summertime is one of my favorite times of the year…..I believe it is because I feel very grounded. It is a time when I am outside the most enjoying, beaches, bikinis, barbeques, family vacations. I enjoy hiking, bike riding and anything outside. Clearly we are in the midst many changes and uncertainty…as we move forward here are some suggestions I do to keep my energy balanced:

  • Grounding - getting outside in nature, walking barefoot on the grass. Walking on the sand gives the body negative ions, bringing stability and peacefulness.

  • Meditation - simple silence or listening to primordial sounds like waves crashing, birds chirping, thunderstorms all allow you to focus on your breathing, which is very calming. You can also find 10 minute guided meditations to listen to on YouTube.

  • Grateful journal - scripting or writing your thoughts, especially 3 things each morning that you are grateful for invokes a positive mind set and new energy to begin a new day.

  • Intention - this is extremely powerful as your thoughts and words are an invocation of what you are attracting to you. Use this time to intend what you want to attract for the day ahead. It can be as simple as being safe and productive. Once you set it….let it go and trust that the universe will deliver it to you.

  • Exercise - vital to move the body as your energy can become stagnant. Walking, stretching, even simple jumping rope, you don’t have to have a gym membership to move and get fit. Online streaming workout videos are everywhere.

  • Be playful - remember the ease of children playing, you were once a kid! What do you remember doing that was fun? Try to get into something new like drawing or cooking without a receipe. Experimenting expands the mind.

  • Practice non-judgement….this means we are all doing our best on our journey, non-judgement means use your energy to understand others, instead of criticizing the choices of others. Its not your job to judge. To judge is to impose someone is wrong….practice non-judgement, exclude yourself from gossip which is toxic energy.

  • Sleep - regular bedtime is helpful to detox our body naturally, 10:30 pm is the optimal time. Establishing a routine of shutting down devices at a specific time each day. Making bedtime a ritual of bath, self-care becomes a discipline like any other routine that creates a habit ( a very good habit).

Finally, as we exit Leo season, the element of fire, the Sun which governs our 3rd energy chakra or Solar Plexus, August 22 will be a full moon in Aquarius. Tune into your inner fire or “Agni” as we refer to it in Ayurveda. Evaluate how is your ability to digest foods? How is your ability to digest emotional toxicity? Poor digestion is linked to many areas of brain fog and depression. Our solar plexus is located right below our rib cage, also called the abdominal brain. This chakra is associated with confidence, self-worth, self-love, discipline….standing in your power like the courageous Lion or Lioness using your power wisely, not giving it away. Is your solar plexus blocked? or in balance……

I am sending love and blessings to everyone…..happy full moon!


@maryanna_nardone (instagram)

@maryannanardone444 (tiktok videos coming soon)