MaryAnna Nardone

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Over the last six months we have all been called to go within, deeply introspective everyone on their on journey and pace. In silence or stillness answers are always given. Maybe you have learned to be more patient….maybe your old beliefs no longer serve you…maybe you have felt stuck…..maybe you have begun to meditate….

I feel extremely blessed to have studied Ayurveda Holistic Lifestyle with Deepak Chopra six years ago, knowing that one day I would be called to work with many people on their new consciousness or expansion of growth, born during the covid crisis. As with everything in our life, each experience we can choose to stay stuck or expand and grow.

THE EQUINOX is the transition into the fall season. We can use this time to take the last six months experience and begin to renew with new tools in our bag… has change collectively so here are some techniques I teach as a Ayurveda Educator that you can use ….invoke for alignment to stay balanced at this time.

  1. Meditate …guided or with a mantra first thing in the morning or just be silent and listen for 5-7 minutes.

  2. Set intention each day…setting into motion a new belief.

  3. Incorporate using your Inner Pharmacy (tap into your 5 senses to relax and calm your energy).

  4. Set a new sleep schedule, as the days get shorter following the circadium rhythms of nature which are effortless and inherent to our physical and energetic bodies.

  5. Compassion and being in service provides a sense of oneness….consciousness that we are all here on a divine mission.

  6. Ground your energy - walk barefoot on the grass to absorb much needed energy from the earth. Spending time in nature dissolves low frequencies.

  7. Be gentle with yourself as this transition into fall is powerful…be mindful that we are absorbing toxicity in our foods, in what music we listen to, what we watch on tv, as well as peoples opinions, especially now when we are six weeks away from election.

  8. Every thought we have adds to the collective, positive as well as, negative. Keeping your vibration high is key to being in a peaceful state.

  9. Be grateful…stay in the present moment starting a daily gratitude journal or ritual of stating out loud what you are grateful for is key for bringing your desires forward.

  10. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST…you must fill your own cup, only then will you have the alignment of serving others. No one can do this for you…give yourself the time, space and love you deserve, create healthy boundaries , release feelings of jealousy, resentment, anger and manipulation, eat well, sleep well, be your own best friend.