Falling into Autumn

Happy October Beauties,

My, My, where does time go? We have entered the 10th month of 2018!! It seems like the first week of August arrives then its OCTOBER!!! Staying in the present moment awareness…lol lets not get crazy & frantic that Thanksgiving is here. Lets regroup, fall into this beautiful season of Autumn. Here are a few details I want to share that I use, & I teach my clients about the beginning of Autumn.

Fall Equinox began just about a week ago, this is the time we want to prepare for the Harvest. What does that mean? First & foremost it means lets declutter our homes & offices. In the ancient study of Feng Shui, it is believed that our homes & placement create a certain energetic field. The flow of chi….or energy must be clear in order to have harmony. First thing I do is start with my closets….for me I make it a fun project by first going to the CONTAINER STORE, this is orgasmic for me lol.

I am one of those people, who love to throw things out, or label and put in new containers (color coded) I know annoying right? Very organized for me is essential for my personality. Energetically it creates space for manifesting new things in our lives. It is believed in Feng Shui that if you are trying to attract a new love, your bedroom closet should have space, even an empty drawer. Therefore, using this

theory we must organize our closets in our office to attract new business, new positive school year in our children’s bedrooms. Its like cooking a fabulous healthy meal in a dirty kitchen when you haven’t done behind the scene work….. Then its time to sage (white sage is best) or smudge is the proper description. You can go on you tube & search for a “how to smudge” its simple, very effective for removing any negative energy, its like hitting the refresh button on your computer.

Now we are ready to clear the clutter in our mind!!! Many of us carry the subconscious beliefs of our parents & generations before. We aren’t consciously aware we are even doing it, its programming we heard, watched & absorbed as children. What we have left over are negative beliefs, which create our own self talk & dialogue & in most cases isn’t very positive…..now add whatever your current experience is in life…you get the picture. If your not exactly in extreme bliss everyday, you may have a pattern of thought or have repeated the same circumstances & wonder why. The solution is MEDITATION!! I know I hear you all saying, I CAN”T…..YES YOU CAN!!!! You see like an other belief you may have, I can’t lose weight, I can’t stop smoking, I can’t get to the gym, I CAN’T is what your spirit hears & the universe has a law called the law of attraction. You get what you think about. Switch your focus and replace the word with I CAN meditate & you will. Its sounds easy & believe me I get it. The first time you even try your mind will actually send you thousands of thoughts at once. It’s very normal…..start first by allowing your mind to say I can. Once you begin to get silent, slowly the expansion & awareness will begin. Ayurveda teaches us that only in silence can we find our true self. Answers, awareness, intuition are all enlivened with meditation.

An easy way to begin is listening to 10 minute guided meditation. On the train everyone has ear plugs in so try 10 minute meditation….pay attention to how your body responds…meditation can be done anywhere.


Our body is responding to our thoughts & just as 70 percent of our immune system is in our gut, you can control not only what you eat, you can control what you think about the health & wellness of your body. How we digest food as well as our EMOTIONS can be vital intelligence for our body or complete toxicity. You have the power to do it all. Using this new information, start noticing your thoughts as you get out of bed each morning. Most of us are on automatic pilot, we aren’t aware of how many conversations or negative stuff is flooding our minds, probably before you even had coffee… I hope this was interesting information, if I can be of assistance with anything regarding smudging to meditation, please don’t hesitate to connect with me via info@maryannanardone.com. Im available for Skype consultations & coaching. Feel free to text me as well at 516-591-5443 to schedule a time in person or set up future date. My intention is to be an instrument of awareness, peace & guide you to being the best version of you……Happy Autumn

ps….giving to your local shelter/clothes/shoes/pantry helps others to feel abundant

another great way of practicing the law of giving & receiving……

Love & Blessings


Maryanna Nardone