There are so many factors that contribute to aging……”the fountain of youth” lets face it everyone is looking for. Juan Ponce De Leon searched for it five centuries ago. The universal phrase “you are what you eat” Im sure many of us can remember hearing this in grade school. The truth is nourishment and digestion are key ingredients for obtaining youthful skin, vibrant inside health, which is a direct reflection of our outer beauty.
As an aesthestician for over 28 years, I have treated many different skincare concerns, however I knew that the cause of what we see on the exterior, had a pre-existing root cause on the interior. Hence, this was one of the reasons I was drawn to study AYURVEDA.
WHAT IS AYURVEDA? Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old healing system founded in ancient India. The word Ayurveda derived from the Sanskrit work (AYES) meaning life, (VEDA) meaning wisdom. It is a conscious based system of healing on the five principle elements in nature that we also have in our body. The universe is made up of ether, air, fire, water, and earth. As humans, we are also made up of all five elements. Ayurveda has broken it down into the word DOSHA. There are three main Doshas, they are called VATA, PITTA, KAPHA. Inherent in all of us are the qualities of each dosha, however one is the most predominant. VATA is made up of air and space. PITTA is made up of fire and water. KAPHA is made up of earth and water. This explains why some humans are more airy VATA, or more fiery PITTA, or more earthy (KAPHA).
Each dosha is also connected to a season, as well as governs an area of the physical body. PITTA is associated with summer season. PITTA governs metabolism and transformation in the body. If you are predominatly PITTA you are sensitive to heat and more uncomfortable this time of the year. You are probably the one at home or at your office freezing everyone with keeping air conditioning below 65 degrees. Ayurveda teaches us the foods we need to stay in balance, what to avoid bringing in how vital our mind greatly influences our lifestyle habits. PITTA dosha also has strong mind/body characteristics as all the doshas have, specifically when in balance, and when out of balance.
As a Chopra Center Ayurveda Educator, I have found it extremely rewarding guiding people to learn what their natural tendency or dosha is. Where they are now, after taking the “DOSHA QUIZ” maybe very different due to their age, lifestyle and life circumstances. Connecting the mind/body/soul of our beings and becoming consciously aware of our choices is the key. My metaphor is think of a building or structure you need to begin with a strong foundation. A house can appear well built, however if the foundation is cracked we would have to start from the ground up to repair. We could try patching it up……merely a temporary fix.
Ayurveda teaches us to get to the root, which empompasses all the layers of our multi-dimensional being.
Body….extended body….personal body…vital force = physical body.
Mind….emotions feelings, desire….intellect….ideas concepts beliefs, discriminations ego..I =Subtle body.
Soul….memories, desire….collective…myths, archetypes gods, goddess…universal…spirit =Causal body.
Healthy body mind and soul applies to your entire being. Aging skin doesn’t just appear, its accumulative showing up as aging gracefully or aging poorly. A lifestyle based in overindulgence, high sugar, alcohol, toxcity of the mind, how how we digested the traumas in our life? All of these factors affect the stress on how well our body responses. Increased hormone levels we know accelerate the aging process.
Balance is the key in all areas of life, for many of us we operate on auto pilot……learned behavior on a subconscious level. Learning how to incorporate Ayurveda into your lifestyle has been an tremendous healing journey for me. It started as something to help my clients……..first I had to go SKIN DEEP into my own inner journey with clear intention to prepare, clear and balance my mind/body/soul in order to bring to you all my “TRUE AUTHENTIC BEAUTY” from the inside out.
To learn more about Ayurveda/dosha or wellness coaching